
Sewing Patterns of
Formal Classic Pant
for men drafted in 11 sizes

Download them – Print them – Cut them – Sew themSewing patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men drafted in 13 sizes

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men drafted in 11 sizes,  with diagonal side pockets and back pockets with bias, front fly zipper, waistband with left side pass, zipper by the upper side with hidden clasp, half lining on front and crotch protector on lining.

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men

SUGGESTED FABRICS: Sewing patterns of Formal Classic Pant for man was designed for light to medium weight woven fabrics. We suggest Cashemires, Wool, Linen, Twill or Corduroy. You can use cotton types, twill, poplin, windbreaker fabrics, gabardine, polyester, etc.

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men

OTHER MATERIALS: Lining for pants, zipper, clasps for men trouser, 3 small buttons in same color or fabric. Vanroll, prefabricated waistband for inside, 1 small transparent button, lining and threads.

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men

Miniaturized image in size 34″ – Ready to Print and Cut –

Descarga los Patrones de Costura Gratis del Pantalón fino para hombres

Select sizes to buy

To Print by plotter to real size (and by home printer)

Sizes are in American Measurements

Price are in US Dollars ($ USD)

 _____Docker pant sewing patterns drafted in 13 sizes to Download

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Sewing Patterns of Classic Pant for men

Table of Measurements and Sizes
The Sizes and Measures are in InchesDocker Pant Sewing Patterns Drafted in 13 sizes to Download

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men


All pieces have 3/8″ allowances included except on crotch where you most

Important: Cut right waistband looking for the guides in pattern.

  1. Serge edge to pieces which are not interweaved.

2. Merge interfacing to waistband pieces and zipper pieces and press to medium temperature.

3. Remember that the interfacing most be pressed with the gum side over the hidden side of the fabric, you must be sure about not leaving bubbles and let the interfacing sticked in uniform.

4. Prepare facings for front and back pockets, crotch, back folds, slit belts and zipper

5. Sew bias and line the edge of the rounded side.

6. Sew fly to respective lining for rounded side and do seam of establishment.

7. Open the zipper, put with pin the zipper in center of right front piece and button stand, sew using zipper feet, Close the zipper and end sewing this side.

8. Set the left frontal complementary piece to the right one, sew and do a little cut where the sew ends, flip the piece and do seam of establishment.

9. End zipper and put pins to set them to the fly shield looking that the zipper keeps completely hidden.

10. Mark with layer seam of trim and sew.

11. Do a finish seam at the beginning of the backstitch.

12. Do a finish seam to join Fly shield and shield starting by rounded side and ending in zipper clip.

13. Prepare waistband, fold and press by the upper side.

14. Cut vanroll to the waistband size.

15. Sew facings waistband and prefabricated waistband to waistband.

16. Sew by sides front and back, press leavening open seams.

17. Sew center fronts.

18. Sew waistband by side t front and back.

19. Sew center back. When you sew the waistband, the prefabricated waistband will get hided.

20. Mark backstitch trim with template and sew.

21. Sew front and back by the crotch.

22. Mark hem and sew.

23. Sew fly, mark, cut and sew hole buttons.

24. Open hole buttons.

25. Sew buttons, do final details and press.

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men

¡If you have any questions, write to us and we will gladly support you!

Sewing Patterns of Formal Classic Pant for men

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