
Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns in 12 sizes HM1311P

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing PatternsRound Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns in 12 sizes from 32 to 56, has a round neckline with a narrow band collar in Cardigan fabric and a combination or contrast color. The front and the back on the shoulders, have an inclined yoke type cut, simulating raglan sleeve cut, complemented by the short sleeve in the same fabric and color and we suggest go in combination or contrast fabric to give the design eye-catching. The cuff of the sleeves also goes with cardigan fabric.

Classic T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

SUGGESTED FABRICS: Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns are designed for fabrics with some elasticity in piqué knit, jersey, double knit and 100% cotton flannels and their blends. We suggest using Cardigan or Rib fabrics for neck and cuffs.

NOTIONS: Jersey fabrics / simple knit fabric, Rib or Cardigan for neck and cuffs. Cotton covering tape for the neck and shoulders + good quality thread resistant to stretching.

CAUTION: T-shirt molds are made for a Stretch of 7 to 10% in Knitted Fabric and they are printed – Layouts to be placed on the “backs” of Tubular Fabric. Also, before sewing with 100% Cotton Jersey or any single knit, hand wash the fabric to pre-shrink it and lay flat to dry. The same goes for any other single knit fabric.

Recommendations for the Cut: Observe the printed line and read the names and texts of each mold. Separate from the stroke the neck molds and cuffs that go in cardigan fabric. If you want the yoke and sleeves in contrasting fabric, you should also cut them out of the stroke to cut them into another fabric and thus reorganize the other pieces to be cut to save fabric.

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

Miniaturized image size 40 – Ready to Print and Cut –

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

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To Print by plotter to real size (and by home printer)

Sizes are in American Measurements

Price are in US Dollars ($ USD)

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Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

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Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

Table of Measurements and Sizes
The Sizes and Measures are in InchesMen's traditional 5-pocket Jean Sewing Patterns drafted in 13 sizes

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns


All pieces include 3/8″ seam allowances except the neck and cuff pieces as they are designed for cardigan fabric.

Sewing Sequence

    1. Cut the neck pieces and cuffs in the selected material. Remember that they should have elasticity.
    2. Prepare / sew pieces of cuffs to the sleeves.
    3. Sew piece from the front to the piece yoke front side, then thing seam settling.
    4. Sew piece from the back to the yoke piece back side, leaving one side without closing completely to be able to then sew the neck and finally close the seam.
    5. Sew the neck to the neckline and then close the yoke back yoke seam. Then sew the seam at the junction of the yoke to the back piece and over the neck seam.
    6. Sew sleeves to the curve of the front and back armhole to make a seat seam.
    7. Sew / close the sides of the front, back and sleeves on either side.
    8. Sew bottom, hem and iron.Classic T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

¡If you have any questions, write to us and we will gladly support you!

Round Neck T-Shirt Sewing Patterns

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Men's traditional 5-pocket Jean Sewing Patterns drafted in 13 sizes

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Men's traditional 5-pocket Jean Sewing Patterns drafted in 13 sizes

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Con la llegada del COVID-19 miles de empleos a nivel mundial se han perdido, hoy más que nunca el contenido de modafacil.com está ayudando a miles de personas afectadas económicamente por la pandemia, quienes han comenzado a buscar maneras de generar ingresos y con nosotros han encontrado una oportunidad de salir adelante.

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